
Product Development — Art Direction

During my last year at Westerdals I knew that my passion laid not only in designing the wrapping of other's products. I wanted to be in on shaping the vision and experience from scratch. This led to me and two friends coming up with the concept of creating a virtual wall, where event organizers could display posters for gigs.

The Norwegian agency Jimmy Royal offered us both mentorship and incubation for our project, as well as drilling us into confident presenters and pitchers. However, our inexperience and misdirected focus turned Noisewood into a sad, crippled horse. It had to be put down.

It did leave a pretty corpse though and reflecting on the failure, I got to experience so much. Without this I would never have learned in such a practical way about leadership, project management, team components, user acquisition and other such startup jargon. Most importantly it gave me the key insight of learning how to shift my focus from pixels onto the bigger picture.